Rollie and Wally are killers!
What do big time rock stars like Rollie and Wally do when they're at a bar, ready to party?
They play Buck Hunter of course! Let's watch their killer instincts kick in, shall we?
Rollie and Wally get psyched up. Feel the adrenaline! Taste the manhood! Go Go Gadget Narcissism!
Priority #1 is entering in your clever initials so everybody knows how awesome you are when you get top score.
Pump those guns, boys! Pump them faster!
Yeah! Rollie and Wally nailed the fuck out of the large land-dwelling omnivore! Uh, whatever it is. Yak? Wildebeast? Bantha?
Look into the cold, steely, dead eyes of those killers. Did it just get colder in here?
But perhaps these guys aren't the emotionally detached animal assasins we thought they were. You let one live??? Bah! Mercy is for the weak.
Here's your chance to redeem yourselves, guys! Kill 'em all! Don't stop shooting until you make it all the way!
You made it! All the way to Goat Ham City! !
Good job, Rollie and Wally. Now you can kill goats and hams to your hearts' content. Well done, you killing machines. Now go write some new songs.
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