...we'll be playing a holiday show at our Hoboken practice space with lots and lots of special guests.
Warming things up is our good friend Andy Fuckin' Meagher. He's in town for his final senior recital before officially becoming a Doctor of Organs (pipe organs, that is), and will be showing off some of skills for us. If we're good boys and girls, we'll get to hear a good mix of classical tunes, holiday music, and gangsta rap!
Next up is the funniest man not in show business, the best music critic in history, and the greatest criminal mind of our time, Mark Prindle. He's bringing his wife Brenda, and drummer Jimmy Laakso and assist with the fancy rock stylings and nimble jump kicks. Just like the Rockettes!
Then it's the 1-2 punch from the most hated bands in Hudson County, Plowing Mud Forever and Torrential Downpour. Actually it will less of a 1-2 punch and more of a 3/4 or 7/8 time signature. Because we're outlaws!
Also performing all night will be BEER! Drink it! Norm's doing the lights so you can see the BEER! Here's a flyer! IT'S SO EXTREME THAT IT'S MORE THAN WORDS!!!!!!!!