March 30, 2009

Who's Harry Crumb?

March 29, 2009

We Built This City

March 27, 2009

Gio and Alan

Hey, remember when that one guy, Gio, interviewed us and that other guy, Alan, took pictures? (If you don't remember, just scroll down this page to read the interview.) Well here are a couple pics of those guys from when we were all hanging out at Duff's.

Here's Gio!

And here's Alan!

Thanks, guys! Everybody make sure to check out their websites as well. There is much cool stuff to be seen.

Have fun!

March 13, 2009

Affirming PMF's committment to metal

PMF will be giving away a used 3mm allen wrench to the first 12 people that come to see them at Automata Chino on Saturday night. The rest of you will have to settle for the metal on stage.

Don't say we never did anything for ya'.

The IROC returns to Jersey City